Signs Your Feet Are Falling Apart-And How To Help Them

Podiatrist Clinic Melbourne

When you have a cold, do you put your hand up to your chest? If so, maybe your time is running out before it's too late, and your fingers are curled up at the bottom of your body. You should actually listen to your bodies complaints as there can be chances that something is seriously wrong with it-awry! There will be a lot of signs appearing in our daily lives, which will help us notice when there is issues with our bodies. consult the reputed Podiatrist Clinic Melbourne to solve the issue before it gets worse!

1. Why do my feet hurt?

Falling feet can be a sign that your feet are falling apart. There are several reasons why your feet might hurt. Some of the causes can be minor, while others might be more serious.

Minor foot pain can be caused by inflammation or infection. This happens when bacteria gets inside your foot and causes swelling or pain. Treatment depends on the infection's cause, but antibiotics are often used to the treatment.

More serious foot problems can also be caused by conditions like diabetes, severe arthritis, or podiatric surgery (foot surgery). Conditions like these can make your feet too weak to support your weight properly. This can lead to falls and injuries to your feet, ankles, and legs.

If you're experiencing foot pain, it's important to see a doctor. He or she can determine the cause and recommend the best treatment for you.

2. When to see a doctor?

If you have chronic foot pain, it's important to see a doctor as soon as possible. Chronic foot pain can be the warning sign of a more serious health issue, and sometimes it can be difficult to tell if foot pain is the beginning of a bigger problem.

One way to determine if your feet are falling apart is to look for any traits that might signal the problem. If you experience chronic pain in your feet, you may notice that your heels or toes are especially sore or swollen. You may also experience difficulty walking, climbing stairs, or wearing high heels. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

If you don't have any of these signs yet, but you're experiencing ongoing foot pain, it's still important to see a doctor. Your doctor can perform a physical exam and take some medical tests to determine the cause of your pain. If necessary, they can prescribe medication or surgery to help resolve the issue.

3. What is the first step towards healing your feet?

The first step is to diagnose the problem and understand what is causing it to heal your feet. Here are some signs that your feet may be in trouble:

-Pain when standing or walking

-Thickened skin on the feet

-Redness and swelling around the toes and heel

-Swelling in the ankle or foot

4. Signs Your Feet Are Falling Apart-And How To Help Them

Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body. They help you walk, run, and stand, and they play an important role in your overall health. But if your feet are falling apart, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

Here are signs that your feet are falling apart:

  1. You have difficulty walking or standing for long periods of time.
  2. You have a high amount of arch pain or foot pain.
  3. You experience a lot of blisters or ulcers on your feet.
  4. You have difficulty wearing shoes or boots because they hurt too much.
  5. You have a decrease in the size and number of your toes over time.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to get treatment as soon as possible. There are many different treatments available that can help to improve your feet’s health and functionality.

5. Preventative steps a podiatrist might recommend

If you're noticing that your feet are falling apart, or if they've been doing this for a while, it might be time to see a podiatrist. There are several preventive steps that a podiatrist might recommend, including:

Wearing shoes that fit well: If your feet are constantly hurting, it's likely because they don't fit well. Podiatrists often recommend choosing shoes that fit very snugly – not too tight, but not too loose either. This will help keep the feet moving properly and reduce the chance of injuries in the future.

Taking breaks often: If you work on your feet all day long, try taking frequent breaks.Sit down for five minutes every hour or so and let your feet rest. This will help avoid excessive stress on your feet and help them stay healthy overall.

Drinking enough water: Dehydration is one of the most common causes of foot pain. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your feet hydrated and prevent them from becoming brittle or weak.

Podiatrist Clinic Melbourne


If you notice that your feet are falling apart, there's probably a cause, and you don't need to start panicking. You have pain when you walk or stand for prolonged periods- This might mean that you have arthritic changes in your toes or foot bones. To prevent this from happening, make sure to take regular breaks during long walks or stand up frequently throughout the day. 

If you notice any of these signs in yourself or someone you know, it's important to get evaluated by a docPodiatrist Clinic Melbourne. By doing so early on, you can avoid serious foot issues.
